Consulting - The Makoto Way

Our Consultants

They're industry professionals who are trained in Lean manufacturing.
They have actual experience in the real world.
They have applied Lean principles within their area of expertise.

If you want to drive efficiency as well as effectiveness in your business
you need to develop a business culture with a Lean mindset.

Makoto Japan Lean Consulting Tours

Effective Consulting

Lean is about practical solutions in any part of a business, be it manufacturing, mining, processing, oil and gas, customer-facing, and administrative.

Our consultants aim to reduce cycle time and improve quality in your process while leaving a lasting positive change in the people in your business.

"Lean Consulting is 20% tools, and 80% coaching and mentoring people to change."



Having a consultant onsite means that they are able to intimately understand the business. They spend time with subject matter experts in the business to understand the processes that need improvement.


This brings an additional level of clarity to the strategy that needs to be put in place. Your consultant gains valuable experience for themselves and they see your operation in action.


Your consultant will bring a fresh set of eyes to your processes. They’ve already got a Lean mindset and a process driven set of values. They are thinking about people – ergonomics, movement, and mindset to make working smarter, not harder. Efficient and effective people create repeatable high-quality results.


They are trained to listen to draw ideas and insight from your team.

Makoto Australia Consulting Benefits
Lean Consultants Makoto

Who Gets Involved?

The People Who Do The Work

Our first priority is to win the trust of the people who do the work. They are the key to the success of any project and without their buy-in, nothing will change. This is different from a top-down approach where change strategies are handed down from an executive level.

Executive Engagement

From a strategic point of view, we also need engagement from the executive level of the business. Successful projects deliver with engaged project sponsors.

Sponsors are actually accountable for ensuring that the project delivers what it's supposed to deliver. Sponsors remove obstacles that get in the way of their team achieving the project goals.

What Is Covered?

We need a comprehensive understanding of the current state of your business. We will gather this information by talking with key people. Unlike other approaches, we don't rely on masses of expensive data collection up front. 


We will gather feedback from people working in the process. We build rapport with your team. We spend time with relevant people. We coach them. We observe how things are operating, ask questions and gather different viewpoints. 


Working closely with your team, we will clarify what the business improvement strategy should be. This strategy will be based on smaller testing out periods where ideas are explored in real conditions.


We will work with your team to agree on the strategy for improvement. We will coach your people to implement those plans. We will endeavour to put things in place mechanisms to control and sustain that implementation. Our goal is a work culture of continuous improvement.

  • Why It Works

    The benefit of the onsite consulting is that people in the business can see the depth of understanding that's been built up. They feel part of the process of change and the new clarity that has emerged. They've seen how their insights and ideas are being carried forward in tangible business improvement. The whole team carry the attitudes that make the changes sustainable.

  • Cultural Change

    Classroom training is important. It's something we offer to the right people. However, to create true sustainability you have to achieve a mindset shift. You need to the map and mould the culture change. Most of Lean implementation. and therefore most of what our consultants are doing is coaching people one on one.

  • Benefits

    Businesses invest in this style of consulting because of the boost to profits and growth. You'll also see an increased capacity for more work. Employee retention rates improve because of a more engaged work culture. You'll see employee satisfaction improve and reduced employee stress levels.

Process Driven People

There will be a gradual change in the type of person who thrives in your business. There's less need for firefighters and more room for process-driven people who are looking to create consistent results.

Firefighters in the business are the people who thrive on chaos. They thrive in a stressful environment which isn't good for customers or profitability.

Your business will become more attractive to people who are more process driven. This is much better for your company profits and as well as your customer experience.